
I'm a seasoned software engineer, with both a Computer Science degree from the University of Guelph and a Game Programming diploma from Humber College under my belt. I have a solid five-year track record in professional software development, where I've honed my expertise in crafting efficient, robust software solutions that span throughout the stack, from front-end web applications, to back-end servers, and everything in between.

In recent times, my primary focus has centered on the intricacies of back-end networking, where I've excelled in resolving complex issues and adapting to ever-evolving demands of software projects, all while seamlessly collaborating with a diverse team of professionals united by a shared objective.

Technical Skills

Proficient in: JavaScript, TypeScript, HTML/CSS, Node.js, Express, React, Docker, Mocha
Familiar with: Go, C, C#, Java, Python, MongoDB, PostgreSQL, Redis



A smooth and responsive clone of the popular game Wordle created using vanilla JavaScript/HTML/CSS.

Click here to playopen_in_new

Technologies Used: JavaScript, CSS, HTML, Mocha, Cypress, GitHub Actions


A simple 2D jump game. Ascend an erupting volcano for as long as you can.

Click here to playopen_in_new

Technologies Used: TypeScript, Phaser 3


A simple image uploading service written using Node.js with Express routing framework.

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Technologies Used: JavaScript, Node.js, MongoDB, Redis, Mocha, Cypress, Webpack, HTML, CSS, EJS, jQuery, CircleCI, Fly.io


Command-line Pocket backlog client. Manage Pocket articles saved to your account and bump entries to top of the list.

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Technologies Used: Go, OAuth


Hacker News web interface.

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Technologies Used: JavaScript, Node.js, Express, EJS, Semantic UI, Webpack, Fly.io


Web calculator written with React and TypeScript that calculates turnip earnings and tip amounts in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.

Click here to see it in actionopen_in_new

Technologies Used: React, TypeScript, Node.js, Jest, CircleCI, Netlify


Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) movie tracker. Supports a wide array of viewing orders for every type of MCU fan.

Click here to see it in actionopen_in_new

Technologies Used: Vue.js, TypeScript, Node.js, Mocha, Webpack, CircleCI, Netlify

SyntaxDB Atom plugin

Atom extension that allows you to search syntax information from SyntaxDBopen_in_new and insert examples directly into the editor. Makes use of SyntaxDB's APIopen_in_new.

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Technologies Used: JavaScript, Node.js, Atom SpacePen Views
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